The Warehouse421 is undoubtedly one of my favourite spaces in Abu Dhabi (up there with Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Art Cafe, Third Place Cafe, NYUart spaces and more...)
The Warehouse421 opened in 2015 and we were there at the launch when the entire area near Mina port (it cracks me up as Mina means port in arabic so this just says "port port") was filled with exhibition containers, performers, food trucks, etc.
Ever since, the space has hosted amazing exhibitions focusing on the local art scene and history. I go to almost all exhibitions and I especially love their Wednesdays at the Warehouse programme.
In their words " a curated programme of activities and events designed to create new opportunities for community participation in the arts and culture. The programme features a range of activities including workshops, film screenings, performances, panel discussions..."
I usually go to the film screenings. Their workshops get booked up immediately and I have managed to score a spot in only one. (printing on fabric)
What I love about the film screenings is that the films focus on contemporary Arab Cinema. The films are shown in partnership with Cinema Akil. There is always a short film followed by a full feature film. The films are shown outdoors so the season runs during cooler months. (Feb-May)
Performace by emirati-japanese drumming band. Kharsha drums. Founder: Yotaro Matsutani |
Some of the screenings in spring 2017 included:
Central Market / Bahrain
El Clasico / Iraq, UAE, Norway
We are just fine like this / Tunisia
A present from the past / Egypt
L'e Chappee / Algeria
Lights of Rome / UAE, Brazil
PS. so far they have always offered amazing food also (for free) at the film screenings. delish!
The first time they had Wednesdays at the Warehouse there were about 20-25 people there. Everyone seemed to know each other and I was the odd one out. Now, the event is very popular and registering in advance is a must. It can be done via their website: